Manage RAM memory on your system to improve performance and efficiency
RAM Idle LE is a program to administrate the RAM memory on your system and allows you to improve the performance and make all your applications to run faster and more efficiently.
It runs under Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP and you can access to it for free if it's for personal use. Pretty easy to use and configure and it works as you work, monitoring the PC to run at full performance.
So, how does it do it? It controls the RAM memory levels available for Windows and when they're a little bit down, it frees RAM memory to recover them. Besides, this system management application provides you with other utilities, such as: system information, process monitoring of uprunning processes, percentage of free memory...
Also, for your confort, you can set it to start on windows startup so you don't have to remember it everytime.
After reading this you will be asking how to start using it. Well, it's pretty simple.
The application has two sections: "System Information" and "RAM Optimizer" with the following utilities:
System Information:
-Windows: information regarding the PC and operating system;
-Process: monitoring of uprunning processes;
-Memory: monitoring of system memory, in use and available.
RAM Optimizer:
- Enabled RAM Optimazer: when you push this button, the application will start to monitoring your system and you'll see an icon by the clock on your screen. Clicking on it, you can access to a pop-up menu from where you can activate, deactivate and reconfigure some parameters.
- Target free RAM: defines the memory level to restore when it gets to the predefined minimum.
- Minimum free RAM: establish the memory minimum. Under this level, RAMIdle will restore memory.
- More Options:
* Main: Start automatically with Windows, Free up X MB of RAM on startup after Y seconds, Free up X MB every Y minutes if free RAM below Z %, Disable the CPU usage detection.
* Tray Icon: Tray icon text color, Display ""system information"" in RAM Idle LE tray icon, Hide RAM Idle LE tray icon.
* Popup menu: you can define three values of "Free Up MB" to be displayed on the popup menu.
- easy to use, fully automatic, fast configuration with contextual menu
- reduced number of functions, slows down PC while working, only supports english
The best ram optimizer